Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pictures That Lie

I chose this picture because it is interesting to see what lengths universities will go to in order to get someone to attend their school. The picture is from a football game in 1993. A black student from a 1994 picture was cropped and put in the picture to make it look like he was also at the at 1993 game. The University of Wisconsin did this in order to show that diversity was prevalent in their school. I think that this picture could be harmful in a way. If a student was looking for a school based on diversity, they would be misled by this picture once they arrived at the University of Wisconsin. Misrepresentation of a school in order to get people to like it and want to come there can be bad because once someone gets there and realizes the lies, they will likely transfer out and tell everyone they know not to go there. In trying to recruit students, the school will end up just hurting itself in the long run.


  1. I agree. The picture is mesleading to people looking for a school with diversity. If I was just flipping through pictures I don't think I would be able to tell that this picture was edited.

  2. so true! Besides, you'd think they had at least one African-American student there that they could have taken a picture of? It's too bad they have to create misleading pictures just to seem accepting.
